Friday, 20 February 2009

February's Project

Okay I know we are nearly at the end of February. This month I shall mainly be painting 15mm British Colonial, for a game of Space 1889: Soldier's Companion. I have 49 soldiers and officers; 2 maxim guns on tripods; 1 gatling gun; 6 gun crew; and 19 marines.

I've made a reasonable start so far and am hopefully of getting the soldiers and gun crews finished before the end of the month, these are the main objective.

Monday, 2 February 2009

The End of Month One

Well January has come to an end and I just managed to finish my final figures on Saturday. My four mounted Brethren are painted , based and varnished. So 2VPs to me.
February's project is the 15mm Colonial British for our game of Space 1889: Soldiers Companion. Ruarigh is providing the opposition in the form of the martians. Hopefully I should have apicture of those for tomorrow. I should make a good start on these, as I am working away for two nights and will be packing my painting kit.
Unfortunately I also have to drive past Caliver Books, so there may be some expenditure this week. That's if it is safe to travel with the snow and more forecast.